Why do you have ongoing pain for years after an car accident?

Car accidents cause a lot of injuries to so many different parts of the body ranging from whiplash (a generic term often referring to injuries causing neck pain, headaches, and more) to concussions, shoulder injuries, back injuries, and injuries to various extremities.
Every injury has to be thoroughly evaluated to determine what was specifically hurt so that the right treatment can be given to help you heal as well as possible.
Unfortunately, the reason so many people end up developing chronic and ongoing pain after an accident is because this critically important step is missed. It’s often missed because people see the wrong healthcare practitioner.
Someone involved in a car crash may go to the ER or Urgent Care after the trauma. Doctors in both of these locations are experts on life threatening problems or other emergencies.
ER doctors are excellent at making sure no life threatening problem exists. The doctors can also help with other emergencies like a bone that has been broken or with prescribing medications for your symptoms.
They will not be able to spend the time with someone hurt in a car accident to thoroughly evaluate other injuries. Commonly people are told they have whiplash or a sprain and that they’ll “be OK.” -For an emergency specialist since they’re most concerned with life threatening problems, this generally means you’ll live.
It doesn’t mean you don’t need more care or a more thorough investigation on the injuries.
This is why people are generally told to follow up with their doctor if the symptoms continue.
A family practice doctor (if they will see you after an accident – many won’t) are experts at evaluating and managing/treating many common problems like infections, diabetes, etc.
Their area of specialization and practice focus is not in musculoskeletal injuries or motor vehicle accident related injuries. The general practice doctor can again give people different medications to help symptoms.
Many family doctors refer their musculoskeletal cases to a PT (physical therapist). PTs are good at taking the referring doctor’s diagnosis and exercising or rehabilitating the specific diagnosis.
The problem is at this point, a specific diagnosis is usually not given and a more thorough evaluation of the problem is necessary before jumping into a general treatment that is not specific to your injuries that are causing your symptoms.
If the specific injuries haven’t been identified, how can it be properly treated?
This one thing is the most common reason people injured in a collision does not improve as much as they can improve.
This is why Dr. Hagebusch spends so much time with each patient to make sure he doesn’t miss any injuries.
Since Dr. Hagebusch is a Chiropractor, he will order the appropriate testing including the right imaging to see the injuries… being a Chiropractor also allows Dr. Hagebusch to use various types of physical treatments that have been shown to help people recover as much as possible from the accident related injuries.
These treatments range from different types of therapy to joint mobilizations, Chiropractic adjustments, exercises, and rehabilitation that is appropriate for your injuries.
This approach is the best way to help ensure that you heal as well as possible and reduce your risks of having ongoing pain and problems that are unfortunately all too common with people injured in motor vehicle accidents.
Do you need to see an experienced Texarkana Chiropractor for whiplash or other accident related pain and injuries?
Contact us at our Texarkana Clinic!
We’re here to help you like Dr. Hagebusch has helped thousands of other Texarkana area residents recover from car accident related injuries using chiropractic care that improves pain, movement, muscle spasms, pinched nerves, disc injuries, ligament injuries, and much more.
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