“What is the best diet for Rapid Weight Loss?”
How To REALLY Lose Weight As Quickly As Possible Without Losing Your Health… Part 1
I get this question all the time in person and online. I see so many people struggling with losing weight. People are frustrated, you may be frustrated.
I probably don’t need to tell you that being overweight is a problem that isn’t just about feeling good in your clothes.
It’s a huge problem. As a society, we’re getting heavier. Obesity and over-weight rates are so high in both adults and kids.
It’s causing so many problems for people.
Being overweight may be causing problems for you… whether it’s losing your health, causing fatigue (a symptom of losing your health), causing more pain, and reducing your performance at home, at work, or in your favorite hobby.
The health issue is a major concern because you don’t feel the problems until later in the process.
It’s not like sticking your hand on a hot stove where you get immediate feedback and move your hand.
You lose health a little at a time, just a little more each day…
- more plaque in important little arteries,
- a little more damage to the kidneys from high blood pressure,
- a little more fat accumulating in your liver,
- a little loss of brain mass that won’t catch up to you until you’re older,
- changes in your hormonal levels that cause additional fat accumulation and energy production problems, …
It’s time to change and you can start today.
No, forget that… you can start right now taking steps to start improving your health and your weight.
Our lives are important. We can all do better. Don’t worry about the past, change your future by making a definitive decision to do whatever it takes to change starting right now.
A year from now, you’ll be so happy that you started now.
Where to start?
That’s the big, million dollar question.
The first thing to realize is that most people giving you advice are well intentioned, but most people have absolutely no idea of what they’re talking about.
Unfortunately, this includes many friends, family members, fitness pros, trainers, and many health professionals. This is one of the reasons why it’s hard to lose weight, far too much conflicting well intentioned advice that is often flat out wrong.
The answer to solving the weight loss issue is fairly simple.
Well at least the initial starting point is generally simple, but it is not easy.
I already mentioned the 1st and most important step…
1. Start now and do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal.
No, I am not talking about taking weight loss pills, supplements, or going out and getting a surgery… for most people, this is not the way to go.
You must take personal responsibility and change your habits. This is true even if you really could possibly benefit from an aggressive surgery because you’re several hundred pounds overweight with other factors.
You can not escape this.
It doesn’t matter what your genetics are or what has happened in the past. Yes, these things can really effect your health, including your weight.
They do not, however, change the fact that it’s still up to you to change – even if it will be a tougher challenge because of some factors outside your control.
You can not simply give up because it’s going to be tough. It WILL be tough. The odds are against you. You’re not a quitter though. You know that you are meant to succeed. You CAN succeed.
Click Here for info on on next Live Rapid Weight Loss Workshop.
I’ll help you out with general advice in this series.
I do have to state though that you should see a doctor (yes, chiropractors are doctors also, just not medical doctors!) for evaluation before making any major changes. You may have some specific health problems that require some modifications to the general advice. Don’t skip this step. See someone that knows what they’re talking about that can help you with your specific needs.
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