Many patients have had bad experiences with chronic pain treatment and
often feel like they've been written off by their doctor as either seeking drugs or that they have some psychological disorder.
"What do doctors think about chronic pain?"
Good question that probably runs through the mind of every chronic pain sufferer.
Unfortunately, the question doesn’t have a definitive answer.
Here’s why…
- There are many different types of doctors that all tend to look at things a little differently. This is true within the profession (different MD specialists for example) and between the professions (Chiropractic vs. Medical Doctor for instance).
- There are tremendous differences between doctors, even in the same profession and same specialty. It’s not like McDonald’s – where every restaurant is the same. Each doctor is different.
- Finally, chronic pain can occur from so many different conditions. The source of the pain when taken in context with the doctor's specialty, thought processes, treatment options, and even competence all matter <a lot.>
Now, speaking in generalities, many doctors do think that chronic pain is a psychological problem. It’s often because their treatment that they believe so much in has failed to help the person suffering with chronic pain.
I had a neurology professor that said,
“If you (the doctor) can’t find the lesion (the problem), then the lesion is in you (the doctor).”
What he was saying was don’t blame the patient for your inability to diagnose (and therefore better treat).
Treatment follows the diagnosis. You have to determine what is wrong before you can help the problem. If you miss the diagnosis, it's tough to help the person.
I wrote a post that talks about one of the problems with chronic pain here on my blog… A Little Known Way To Quickly Improve Any Pain (
I hope it helps you better understand pain and chronic pain.
There is generally a way to improve chronic pain in the majority of people – often even if the person has been told that there is nothing else that can be done.
It just takes the right doctor with the right approach and this can vary depending on the problem and the individual that is suffering with pain.
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