A common cause of TMJ pain is a mechanical problem within the jaw or it’s musculature. 
The TMJ is similar to other joints in that it has bone that is separated by cartilage, supported by ligaments and musculature (which also move the jaw).
The TMJ can be damaged due to a sudden trauma such as a strike from a punch, an accident, or a sports injury.
The trauma can injury any of the structures that allow the jaw to function properly. The ligaments can be stretched or torn leading to a degree of instability.
The cartilage can be torn or compressed as the force causes it to slam into the adjacent area. The musculature can also be stretched or torn.
Any or all of these injuries can occur and result in changes in TMJ function mechanically.
Some problems can occur right away and other problems can occur over time with scar tissue formation, adhesions, and degenerative changes (wear and tear) from a type of arthritis.
Repetitive stresses can also cause mechanical problems over time. This can be due to certain activities or due to postural changes in other parts of the body, notably the neck, changing the position of the head.
There Can Be More To TMJ Pain Than A Local Joint Injury
The nervous system can cause problems due to changing the position of the joint with changes in muscle tone (tightness).
The nervous system can also be a problem with chronic pain either from the TMJ itself or from areas of the body that send pain signals to adjacent areas of the brain (the head, the ears, mouth, and upper neck areas).
All of these types of problems are similar to what can occur in other joints of the body.
It’s also why many chiropractors can help.
Chiropractic can often help the pain and problems by restoring mechanical function, reducing pain, and addressing other contributing factors.
Dr. Hagebusch has helped many people with TMJ pain often helping people suffering even when other treatments have not helped. If you suffer with TMJ pain and want to see if we can help, then give us a call at 903-793-1084.
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