Did You Know?
The understanding that the spine is involved in health and wellness… and the practice of using manual manipulation as a way of healing dates back to the time of the ancient Greece.
Hippocrates considered the father of medicine once said, “Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases.“
We now know that…
- Our brain and nervous system controls every aspect of our health and function, everything.
- Our brains rely upon input from all the receptors located throughout our bodies. This input keeps the brain alive just like the brain’s output through nerves keeps our muscles and organs alive.
- The majority of the brain’s input is from muscles and joints in order to take advantage of the only constant source of environmental energy, gravity.
- Most of this input is from the spine which of course makes sense because it’s mid-line and is used for every movement we make either active movement or through stabilization.
This is why many people who see Chiropractors often report that they improve other things beyond pain and stiffness through the adjustment and other treatments.
Hippocrates was far ahead of his time and definitely nailed the importance of the spine in health.
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