Type 2 Diabetes is a devastating process that wreaks havoc on so many different parts of your body. 
Over the last several years, we’re learning more about how it also causes huge problems in the brain.
If you think Diabetes is bad (it is), but it’s probably much worse than you realize.
Studies have shown cognitive decline (inability to think and remember) and Alzheimer’s Disease are associated with Diabetes.
Research has found that the temporal lobe of the brain tends to be smaller in people with higher levels of insulin resistance, especially in women.
The temporal lobe is involved in many things including memory.
Other research shows that people with insulin resistance develop brain lesions called white matter hyperintensities on imaging.
The problem is that insulin resistance results in reduced ability to use insulin and reduced fuel to the brain.
Damage to the cardiovascular system from Diabetes further causes problems with the brain getting it’s fuel.
A recent study from Albany University in 2013 suggested that Alzheimer’s disease is actually late stages of Type 2 diabetes.
Many people discover that they have Type 2 Diabetes, but don’t realize the damage that it’s doing to their body.
They often end up seeing their doctor, getting some medicine, and told vaguely that they should eat better and start exercising.
Unfortunately too many of those diagnosed simply take their medicine and fail to change their lifestyle… the lifestyle challenges that caused the Diabetes.
The problem is that you can not solely rely upon medication to prevent these problems.
Individual treatment considerations must be taken into account, but…
Diet and exercise are absolutely critical components to maintaining/improving your health. This is especially true for diabetics.
Diet means paying close attention to sugar consumption in all it’s forms.
After all, it’s sugar levels that have the greatest impact on insulin and it’s chronic elevations of blood sugar that end up leading to pre-diabetes and then full-blown diabetes.
You won’t go to bed one evening normal and wake up the next morning with Type 2 Diabetes.
It’s a process and it generally starts with over consuming sugar over time that leads to pre-diabetes, followed by diabetes.
More than 1/3 of adults have prediabetes in our country.
This is a condition in which the body’s blood sugar levels are too high, but not high enough to be classified as diabetic.
During this time, your body becomes increasingly resistant to insulin.
You are starting to get Diabetes, but without knowing it. In fact, 90% of people with prediabetes don’t know they have it.
During this pre-diabetes stage, you have a good chance of preventing diabetes with the right action.
Once you have diabetes, you have damaged your body already.
Diabetes has very serious consequences ranging from a much earlier death (all causes) to stroke, heart attack, damage to your brain, nerves, organs, and failure to heal from even relatively minor problems.
You may lose a limb, your eyesight, kidneys, and experience so many other problems.
You will also very likely be experiencing more pain as high insulin levels drive high levels of inflammation and pain by ‘ramping up production of certain inflammatory pathways in the body (prostaglandin E2 for example).
Diabetes is a very serious problem. It’s a metabolic problem that causes serious health problems.
You may have diabetes now without even knowing it… or maybe you’re inching ever closer.
About 29.1 million Americans, 9% of the US population, have diabetes according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
What’s even more shocking is that about 30 percent of people with diabetes don’t even know it.
Don’t wait another day before starting on improving your health.
Start today and start with diet.
Eliminate all sugar added foods.
Give a good hard look at all processed foods and foods that contain grains… to varying degrees these all cause elevations in blood sugar – often dramatic elevations. You can measure it yourself with a home blood glucose monitor if you’re already using one.
These foods are very likely causing you problems with blood sugar, insulin, and may be leading up to diabetes if you don’t already have it.
We care about these things as a Chiropractor because it directly effects your weight (being overweight causes postural changes leading to greater pain and stresses on joints), diabetes causes poor soft tissue healing, it increases inflammation, and things like peripheral neuropathy which will cause you significant pain and cause changes in the way you move… in addition to causing so many other health problems.
Movement and Exercise Are Critically Important For Health.
Exercise means things that you’re doing in addition to your normal activities.
It’s not enough to say that you walk around all day at work (although that is better than having to sit all day!).
Often people can simply start off with a simple plan like walking for 10 minutes before and after work. Later, you can often progress into other more strenuous activities.
*Please understand that this information is not specific to you or your health condition. Ask your doctor if changing your diet and exercising is right for you.
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