Pain Is A Massive Problem In Texarkana (and throughout the country)

Einstein is credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and, but expecting different results.”
Have you ever wondered WHY so many people suffer from various painful problems?
Read on to gain a better understanding of why common approaches to pain management don’t work and some things you can do to get better.
Pain is common. It’s to biggest health problem we face as a society.
Pain IS a health problem.
If you suffer from significant pain, you already know how it effects every part of your life.
According to a study published in the Aug 2015 Journal Pain,
“It is estimated that 126.1 million adults reported some pain in the previous 3 months, with 25.3 million adults (11.2%) suffering from daily chronic pain and 23.4 million (10.3%) reporting a lot of pain.”
The number of people suffering from pain dwarfs any other health problem and the way pain is treated hasn’t been effective resulting in massive problems for pain sufferers.
People suffering with pain are often unable to do the tasks they need to do at home and work.
Some are able to ‘push through‘ the pain and get critical things done, but end up paying for it later.
Many people end up not being able to work because of the suffering.
Others are forced to give up their favorite hobbies, sports, and activities.
The common treatments aren’t working for so many people otherwise millions of people would not be experiencing pain right now even as you read this.
How is pain most commonly treated?
The common approaches are generally medications to reduce symptoms.
These often may come with problems… from side effects (even in over the counter pain relievers) to slowly losing their effectiveness, and ultimately when having to take stronger drugs like opiods may ultimately lead to addiction and worse.
This type of pain treatment has contributed to a serious and for many fatal opiod epidemic.
This approach to pain treatment hasn’t just been ineffective as evidenced by the massive numbers of people still suffering.
It’s also exceptionally expensive.
The Institute of Medicine reporting that the treatment of chronic pain costs approximately $600 billion a year in medical treatments and lost productivity.
It’s time to end the suffering.
Einstein is credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and, but expecting different results.”
He could’ve been talking about what we’ve been doing as a society for pain management because clearly it’s not working and more of the same approach doesn’t really seem to make sense.
There are other approaches that often work amazingly well, helping some people that have suffered for years while being told there was nothing else that can be done…
When a doctor of any type tells you that what they mean is that there is nothing else that they can do to help you.
A big part of the solution is seeing a Texarkana Chiropractor to help improve function because it’s often dysfunctional joints, postural changes, and other neuro-musculoskeletal problems that are causing and contributing to pain.
Chiropractic Care helps by correcting these problems in addition to giving you other suggestions that can reduce your pain, improve your mobility, and help you get your life back.
If you live in the Texarkana area and would like to see if Dr. Hagebusch can help you, then email us or call us 903-793-1084.
We can answer any questions you have and set up a time to come in and see Dr. Hagebusch at our Texarkana office.
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