It's a New Year as I post this blog, but regardless of when you're seeing this. Read on because this post is meant for you and to help you improve your health.
If you're like most people, you spend a little time evaluating how 2016 went, successes, and the challenges that you did not overcome.
The things we look at most are health (including fitness), relationships, and financial.
I want to suggest that one of those is the most important to you.
If you've ever taken a trip on an airplane, you've suffered through the safety talk at the beginning of the trip taking about what to do if the cabin loses pressure or O2.
The speaker (I don't know what they call themselves now-a-days) tells you that when the mask drops down, secure your own first then help others.
If you do not, you will be unable to help anyone else.
The reality is that your health will effect every other part of your life. Your work, finances, relationships, and your ability to enjoy everything that life has to offer.
The problem is that too many people don't realize that they're losing their health until it's very far gone.
About half the people that suffer a heart attack had no significant symptoms beforehand. Unfortunately, about half those people die.
Heart disease kills more Americans than any other problem.
The vast majority of heart disease is completely preventable. The Journal of Circulation 2008, reports that 90% of all heart disease is preventable with lifestyle changes.
Every major chronic disease is the same… cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, lung problems, arthritis… These problems have been developing for years, for decades before you realize it.
Most of these things are preventable. You aren't simply doomed to some disease because of your genes regardless of what has been told to you in the past… and that's great news.
It means you can do something about it. If you need help, contact me. I'm here to help you.
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