The Real Story Behind Weight and Arthritis.
One arthritis risk factor to target is body fat because as we’re about to see fat cells actively drive arthritis pain and inflammation.
In fact losing some body fat will not only help arthritis and pain, but have so many other health benefits… and it’s not nearly as hard as most people believe.
We’ve helped so many people lose weight easily with some simple lifestyle changes. We’ll discuss this more in a future post.
Arthritis Pain and Inflammation
Extra weight does put extra stresses on joints whether we’re talking knees, backs, or any other weight bearing joint in the body.
There’s much more to the story though…
Fat Cells Are Devious Little Cells!
Fat does more than just put added physical stress on the joints, force you to buy new clothes, and damage your health.
Extra body fat can destroy joints in other ways. Fat is made up of millions of fat cells. They’re not just sitting there doing nothing though…
Fat Cells are active. They’re busy pumping out many different things that damage our health.
One of the things they pump out are immune proteins called adipokines that can damage the joints.
The fat cells increase production of these harmful proteins in response to high levels of glucose and when our bodies are producing other types of immune proteins called cytokines.
The longer these fat cells are triggered and remain, the longer they pump out these proteins that cause ongoing, low level inflammation which damage joints.
It’s a relentless, ongoing attack that causes a lot of harm and a lot of pain.
The Secret To Lasting Arthritis Relief…
An arthritis program that will have the best chance of success with long term benefits should address arthritis from several different points in order to make a big, lasting change in pain, stiffness, and mobility so that you can get back to enjoying life without arthritis pain slowing you down.
The multiple points of attack include movement based treatments with chiropractic that restore normal movements followed by specific strengthening of the problems to reduce future problems.
Losing bodyfat/weight if that is a problem will make a huge difference because of the mechanical loads causing wear and tear PLUS what we talked about in this post… reducing inflammatory chemicals produced by fat cells.
An anti-inflammatory diet will make a huge difference in how you feel by reducing inflammation, helping you feel better, and reducing other problems while making fat loss easier.
Finally, with people suffering from chronic pain using functional neurology to help reduce pain and chronic pain to allow a much better recovery.
This is the multi-prong approach we use to help people suffering with arthritis pain, stiffness, and mobility problems that allow us to have excellent success with so many Texarkana area residents suffering with a variety of arthritis conditions from osteoarthritis, bone spurs, degenerative joint disease, degenerative disc disease, and much more at Hagebusch Chiropractic.
Do You Suffer From Arthritis Pain and Symptoms In The Texarkana Area?
Come see us at our Texarkana Clinic.
We’re here to help you like we’ve helped thousands of other Texarkana area residents since 1999.
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