Over The Last Few Months We’ve Heard So Many Doomsday Predictions About The Cororonavirus 19.

Here’s The Rest Of The Story…
Over 308,000 people have fully recovered from covid19.
This number is likely many magnitudes higher because many that get the virus have mild symptoms and never seek any care.
Even in high risk groups, the vast majority recover.
This is the story that really isn’t being told. The news and social media tend to focus on the deaths and predictions that are not playing out in real life. It drives so much fear and anxiety.
The truth is, the virus does cause serious problems in a small minority of people. People in high risk groups should exercise real caution.
The rest of the truth is that even if you get it, the odds are greatly in your favor that you’re going to be ok.
In the meantime, focus on doing positive things like improving your lifestyle habits so you can improve your health and come out of this better than before.
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