The Corona Virus’ Impact On The US and Texarkana.
The corona virus situation is obviously very concerning. Many people are very frightened about it. The media is driving a lot of fear right now.
The reality is that many people in the US will probably end up getting it.
The good news is that by all reports healthy adults and kids are at a very low risk of any serious complications.
In fact, the younger you are the lower the risk from what has come out about the virus.
So people who are younger and healthy are pretty safe from anything serious.
Those At Risk From The Corona Virus
People with chronic health conditions or those that are elderly are at a much greater risk of serious problems.
Chronic health problems that put people in a higher risk category of having complications include many things like heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, and those with a suppressed immune system.
This is usually the case for health risks.
Healthy people are more resilient and less likely to get sick or have serious problems if they do get sick.
- Building on that idea, take even better care of yourself and your kids right now.
- Eat healthy, get enough sleep, get exercise, watch some comedies instead of zombie apocalypse movies.
- If you’re sick or your child is sick, stay home. This is an important thing to do, err on the side of caution rather than risk spreading the virus.
- Wash your hands often and thouroughly, consider avoiding taking the kids to public crowded places or out in areas where large groups of people are right now like stores.
It makes a lot of sense to avoid high risk people like the elderly and adults with significant health problems.
They’re at a much higher risk of serious problems.
You might consider video calls to your elderly friends and family rather than visiting for now… or if you’re parents are anything like mine, just call them because my dad doesn’t have a smart phone and isn’t up on all the latest technology.
Hagebusch Chiropractic Texarkana is Open.
Here are some things we’re doing at the clinic to help ensure your safety…
• We are screening people to avoid bringing any higher risk people into the clinic.
• We stepped up the cleaning and disinfecting every day.
• We’ve gotten rid of many things in our waiting area so that we can keep it cleaner, we always disinfect the gym areas with bleach every night, even thought they’re not being used.
• We have a commercial cleaning service every week.
It’s going to be ok, even if we all have some added stresses right now.
This might be a great time to go back and read the recent blog about how Norman Cousins dealt with his immune system illness by focusing on reducing stress and doing what he could do, the things he had control over rather than worrying about those he did not.
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