Susceptibility factors for developing more severe complications with the Corona Virus. Age Genetics Immune system problems Chronic disease (particularly mentioned often are: diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and lung diseases (including the very common – asthma). Stress Nutritional deficiencies You can’t control some of these, but you can control others. Focus on those, focus […]
How To Have Better Health
How To Have Better Health To Reduce Your Risks. Limiting risk around all communicable and all chronic diseases revolves around several very important factors that are controlled by you every minute of every day. This is especially important with the risk of coronavirus 19, all the other infectious diseases, and the shockingly high number of […]
The Corona Virus, Texarkana
The Corona Virus’ Impact On The US and Texarkana. The corona virus situation is obviously very concerning. Many people are very frightened about it. The media is driving a lot of fear right now. The reality is that many people in the US will probably end up getting it. The good news is that by […]
Hagebusch Chiropractic Texarkana Is Open During The Corona Virus.
Hagebusch Chiropractic remains open and we’re available for support to help people in Texarkana during this difficult time. It should be noted that as I write this now according to an ER doctor I spoke to a few days ago, Texarkana has 3 confirmed cases. This is a rapidly changing situation. They are all 3 […]
Breast Milk Picture Shows Immunity In Action.
Our Bodies Are Truly Amazing. 1. On the left is normal pumped breast milk. 2. On the right is pumped breast milk after the same mother nursed her sick baby through the night. The yellowish liquid indicates increased immune factors in the breast milk. The mom’s body did this without her ever having to think […]