How To Have Better Health To Reduce Your Risks. Limiting risk around all communicable and all chronic diseases revolves around several very important factors that are controlled by you every minute of every day. This is especially important with the risk of coronavirus 19, all the other infectious diseases, and the shockingly high number of […]
Dr. LaLanne, Chiropractor, Starts Fitness Revolution
Living The Chiropractic Lifestyle For Optimal Health and Wellness. There are few people that have been more positive and influential (certainly when he was in his earlier years!) than Dr. Jack LaLanne. Yes, doctor, many people don’t realize that the “Godfather of Fitness” and the man who started the American Fitness Revolution was a Chiropractor! […]
Focusing On Health In 2020
7 Steps For A Much Healthier New Year! Healthy habits make you more healthy, unhealthy ones make you less healthy. This one statement really tells us what we need to do to improve health, it’s improving our daily habits. As far as health goes, everything counts. This is what often makes it seem like an […]
How To Hit Your Goals In Health and Everywhere Else!
The Truth About Success and Achievement. There’s an old Steven Seagal movie, “Marked For Death.” What can I say, I’m a lifelong martial artist so I’ve watched all kinds of martial arts movies. (This is Dr. Marc Hagebusch DC) The movie joined the rest of Seagal’s movies in making Aikido look both cool and effective. […]
The Chiropractic ‘Secret’
Chiropractic, The ‘Secret’ Ingredient To A Healthy Lifestyle Health requires many factors ranging from diet to sleep, stress reduction, exercise, and movement. Chiropractic care and recommendations can improve all these factors. The chiropractic treatment side of this equation is equally important to the lifestyle changes because it’s very important to restore normal movements and muscle […]