How To Quickly Lose Weight, Get In Shape, Have More Energy. Don’t Just Look Better… Feel Better and Be Better! Dr. Hagebusch AND Texarkana Jiu Jitsu and Fitness are joining forces to help you Kickstart your New Year Resolution Goals. We’ll help you hit your New Year’s Health, Fitness, and Weight Loss Resolutions this year… This […]
Healthy Texarkana Weight Loss (Health and Wellness)
Tijuana or Bust! Fast Easy Weight Loss… Should You Go To Mexico or Make These Simple Changes To Finally Lose Weight In Texarkana? There is a reason that so many people head North across the border into the US… but why are people going South across the border? I was just getting my haircut in […]
How To Improve Brain and Nervous System (Texarkana Health)
A Quick Look At Another Excellent Reason To Move and Exercise In Texarkana, Brain Health A recent NY Times story focuses on a couple of studies showing growth of new brain cells (neurons) and the increased connections between cells with running. Some studies are showing 2-3 X the number of new neurons with exercise and […]
Health and Wellness, The Hidden Secret
Investing In Real Health Care. (Texarkana Wellness Solution). What You Can Do To Dramatically Improve Your Health and Wellness By Applying A Simple Principle. Health care has been at the center of public focus for some time since the politicians and news media have focused on the problems. I’ve previously mentioned that our current health […]
Exercise, Fitness, and Fibromyalgia
Exercise, Fitness, and Fibromyalgia I previously mentioned weight loss and reducing obesity as an important factor in fibromyalgia. Other changes in the diet can help many suffering from fibromyalgia. It makes sense, your placing less stress on your body by getting closer to an optimal weight. Losing weight, if overweight, also increases your ability to […]