Susceptibility factors for developing more severe complications with the Corona Virus.
- Age
- Genetics
- Immune system problems
- Chronic disease (particularly mentioned often are: diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and lung diseases (including the very common – asthma).
- Stress
- Nutritional deficiencies
You can’t control some of these, but you can control others. Focus on those, focus on what you can control.
The people at highest risk are those with chronic disease(s) and the elderly.
Chronic diseases are almost all lifestyle diseases. These are disease that are generally caused by and can be improved by your lifestyle.
You can control your diet, your blood sugar/insulin levels, your exercise, your stress, you can take supplements if you have some nutritional deficiencies, and more.
Each of these factors are inter-related and many of our daily habits will effect how healthy we are which then determines how well we can fight off different diseases.
It may be a little late in the game to make massive progress that will immediately help you in the current coronavirus 19 crisis.
Regardless, you can get started moving in the right direction so that you can be improving your health during this difficult time.
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