Sugar, not salt, should be the focus in treating high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease according to a recent study.
A Very Important Message About Heart Disease.
Sugar intake (especially fructose), not salt, is putting you at serious risk of cardiovascular/heart problems according to this research.
Cardiovascular disease kills more people than anything else in the world.
This research suggests that doctors “shift focus away from salt and focus greater attention to the likely more-consequential food additive: sugar.“
Many important points are mentioned in the article..
Reducing salt in processed foods may lead to an increase in how much processed food is eaten resulting in more cardiovascular disease.
Check out some of these findings (taken directly from the article, with minimal editing for readability)..
“Higher sugar intake significantly increases blood pressure in 8 weeks.
Drinking ONE 24 oz soft drink has been shown to cause an average maximum increase in blood pressure of 15/9 mm Hg and heart rate of 9 bpm”
Those who consume 25% or more calories from added sugar have an almost 3 X increased risk of death due to cardiovascular disease.
Fructose increases sympathetic tone directly (think high blood pressure, stomach changes, pain), and indirectly by inciting insulin resistance and increased insulin.
TWO WEEKS on a high-fructose diet significantly increased blood pressure and increased pulse rate by 8%.
It also increased triglycerides, fasting insulin, and insulin resistance.
Excess fructose intake has also been shown to DOUBLE the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome.
Current US per capita intake of added sugars is approximately 2–8 times higher than current recommendations by the American Heart Association (AHA) and WHO.
Considering adolescents specifically, current consumption might be as much as 6–16 times higher.
Ingestion of sugars, including fructose, in their naturally occurring biological contexts (eg, as whole fruits) is not harmful and is likely beneficial.”
Open Heart 2014;1: doi:10.1136/openhrt-2014-000167
Cardiac risk factors and prevention Review The wrong white crystals: not salt but sugar as aetiological in hypertension and cardiometabolic disease
James J DiNicolantonio1 and Sean C Lucan2
#TexarkanaChiropractor #HeartDisease #WeightLossandHealth
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