Suffering from Sciatica or Back Pain? 
New research looks at effectiveness of medications for Sciatic Pain.
About 12% of the world’s population has low back pain right now and as many as 10% of people with low back pain experience Sciatica type pain.
NEW research in the New England Journal of Medicine calls into question the safety and effectiveness of medications for Sciatica.
The study looked at the use of a commonly prescribed pain medication for sciatic pain.
The medication, Pregabalin, is used for pain, including ‘neuropathic pain’ and increasingly for sciatica.
Researchers looked at the safety and effectiveness of Pregabalin for Sciatica.
What they found gives reason for concern.
They found various side effects ranging from mild to very serious. These side effects included dizziness and suicidal thoughts.
The suicidal thoughts are particularly concerning in a group suffering from very significant pain. The reasearchers did not evaluate the actual risk of suicide and advised GPs to exercise caution when prescribing.
From the study…
“Treatment with pregabalin did not significantly reduce the intensity of leg pain associated with sciatica and did not significantly improve other outcomes.”
“The incidence of adverse events was significantly higher in the pregabalin group than in the placebo group.”
The researchers go on to state…
“Unfortunately there are NO DRUGS proven to work for people with sciatica and even EPIDURAL INJECTIONS only provide a SMALL BENEFIT in the SHORT TERM.”
The GOOD NEWS is that there is a treatment that helps many people recover from Back Pain and Sciatic Pain!
What HAS been shown to be very effective for Sciatic Pain is Chiropractic Care.
Click Here to schedule to see Dr. Hagebusch to help end your Back Pain and Sciatic Pain.
You can also call us at 903-793-1084
#EndBackPain #SciaticRelief #TexarkanaChiropractor
Study referenced above…
Trial of Pregabalin for Acute and Chronic Sciatica, Christine Lin, Ph.D. et al., New England Journal of Medicine, doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1614292, published 23 March 2017.
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