Have You Been Injured In A Texarkana Area Car Accident?
Many people look for a Chiropractor experienced in treating people injured in a crash that are having problems after an accident.
Whiplash is a common term that describes how a person’s head and neck are whipped from back and forth during a collision like a whip is cracked. Similar types of whiplash injuries can also happen in other types of trauma, accidents, abuse, and falls.
In car accidents, the majority of people injured are injured from rear impact collisions. Other impacts can also cause significant injury. Every crash is different and every person will have varying degrees of different injuries even with the same or similar symptoms.
One of the challenges people face after an accident is that it generally takes some time before the person will feel the full effects and many different factors can influence this.
This is why it’s a good idea to get checked out by an experienced Chiropractor right away.
Early evaluation and treatment when necessary can make a big difference in how the injuries will heal and effect you later.
When the head and neck (as well as the rest of your body) are thrown around violently in a car accident or during another traumatic event, it’s common to injure the soft tissues of the spine as well as other joints in the body and unfortunately the brain.
Injuries to these delicate soft tissues often includes…
- Concussions
- Disc bulges and herniations
- Spinal joint injuries including torn ligaments
- Damaged nerves due to stretching or compression
- Injuries to the extremities ranging from arms to legs
- TMJ injuries
What are Common Whiplash Symptoms?
Whiplash injuries can may be mild to very severe and everywhere in between.
Some of the common symptoms include…
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Upper back pain
- Arm pain, numbness, tingling, and/or weakness
- Headaches
- Back Pain
- Leg pain, numbness, tingling, and/or weakness
- Blurred vision
- Ringing in the ears
- Dizziness or sensation of movement, feeling off balance
- Fatigue and tiredness
- Difficulty sleeping
- Depression and/or anxiety
- Irritability
- and many other symptoms.
Often people go to the ER or Urgent Care after an accident. They may be told they’ll be ok or that it will heal over time and given various pain relievers and muscle relaxers.
It’s important to get further evaluation and treatment for your injuries beyond just taking medications in most cases.
This is because the common soft tissue injuries from an accident are physical injuries that go through different stages of healing that respond well to physical treatments with a Chiropractor.
This is true even if you were told by the ER doctor that you’ll, “be ok.” OK to an ER doctor basically means that you’re going to live and if you continue having problems go see someone else because it’s not a life threatening emergency.
If you’ve recently been injured in a Texarkana area motor vehicle accident, it’s important to come in and get checked as soon as possible to reduce risks of developing chronic pain and ongoing problems.
Texarkana Chiropractic Care for Whiplash
The majority of whiplash cases involve significant injury to the spine’s soft tissues. As mentioned above, many other injuries also occur. These are generally musculo-skeletal injuries that are ideally suited for Chiropractic treatment.
Chiropractors are excellent in evaluating musculo-skeletal injuries and helping people get better.
Dr. Hagebusch, a Texarkana Chiropractor, has helped thousands of Texarkana area residents recover from whiplash and other crash related injuries.
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