This is a great question.
I’m going to start off by giving a not so great answer.
“It depends.”
I know, that’s really that helpful so let me explain.
I guess the first thing is that it doesn’t have to be an either one or the other
You very well may need both seeing an ER doctor and later a chiropractor.
You should go to the Urgent Care or ER if you might be very seriously injured, for example a possible broken bone or internal bleeding.
As a quick aside, these injuries are not what cause the overwhelming majority of suffering after a motor vehicle collision.
You should also probably go to the Urgent Care or ER if you are experiencing severe symptoms… or any unusual symptoms.
If you struck your head very hard during the crash, you should go.
The most common injuries by far from car accidents are injuries to soft tissues.
The spine and particularly the neck is especially susceptible because of the relatively small structure of the spine that supports your body and head, the way you are strapped into the seat, and other factors.
Many different structures can be injured in the spine including the nerves, the spinal cord, intervertebral discs that sit between the vertebrae, the small facet joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscle.
These physical injuries often referred to as whiplash tend to respond very well to chiropractic care.
Of course many non-spinal injuries also occur in a crash.
The shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankle, and feet can all be injured.
Most commonly these are also injuries to the soft tissues and the type that tend to do very well with chiropractic care.
A chiropractor is generally the best bet to evaluate and management these injuries through conservative means and rehabilitation as necessary.
Chiropractors also will refer out as necessary to other doctors and specialists.
Have You Been Injured In A Texarkana Area Car Accident?
We’re here to help!
Dr. Hagebusch has helped thousands of Texarkana area residents recover from injuries due to a crash and he’s here to help you too!
Contact Us at Hagebusch Chiropractic Texarkana.
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