I had this interesting discussion with a patient that I want to share with you.
Talking with her, the topic of her young daughter came up.
She told me that her young daughter was ‘just clumsy.‘
We talked for a while and I explained that clumsiness is an indicator of a problem, just like any other symptom.
As we talked she said, “She (her daughter) had been complaining about neck pain, upper back pain, and headaches for some time.“
She told me she had taken her to her pediatrician multiple times and the doctor insisted she was fine and it was just ‘growing pains.’
I asked her how the pediatrician determined this.
She said, “I’m not sure. He just talked to me and her.“
I asked if he even touched her neck or back.
She told me, “No” which of course is interesting because an examination that leads to a real diagnosis would require this.
I suggested that she bring her in and she did.
I got some x-rays because of some things I found that were concerning.
When I looked at the pictures, I see that this 5 year old girl already has a fairly significant scoliosis.
I guess it wasn’t just growing pains.
I saw the little girl for a while and she was doing a lot better. Her pain was essentially gone.
I asked the mother about her clumsiness.
She said, “She’s not clumsy anymore. She used to trip and sometimes bump into things, but not now.“
Chiropractic Beyond Pain Relief… Chiropractic Care May Improve Your Clumsiness (or Your Child’s).
When most people think of Chiropractic, they think recovery from injury like whiplash, back and neck pain relief, headache and migraine relief, and improving movement.
This is only a small part of the story.
Our body and brain communicate with each other in a fascinating way to allow our bodies to function properly.
Most people don’t think about it, but the communication is a 2 way street.
When this begins to breakdown (and it’s a lot more common than you probably think!), we begin to have problems.
In this case the little girl had some pain in her neck, upper back, and headaches. She also had problems with coordination and clumsiness. Finally, she had already been developing a scoliosis at a very young age.
Chiropractic Improves Coordination & Clumsiness. <Research>
Researchers find people with mild Neck Pain have difficulty with coordination in their arm… and amazingly Chiropractic restores this!
Our bodies need to function properly or many things begin to break down.
It’s not easy for most people to see in the early stages especially and unfortunately, most of us wait for problems to get fairly bad before trying to do something to improve it.
Pain is an important signal, but other signs that things are going wrong can include clumsiness as mentioned here.
To Your Health!
Hagebusch Chiropractic
PS. If you need to see me or have a question we may be able to answer for you, call us at 903-793-1084. We’re here to help.
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