Understanding Pain and How It Develops.
Did you know that researchers have found the feeling of pain is something your brain decides you should experience if it believes there is a problem?
Discover more in this video because understanding pain can help you understand how to get rid of it!
Pain is the way our brain gets our attention and attempts to tell us that we are possibly going to get hurt or are hurt but there’s much more to it. More on that in a moment.
Pain is a way our brains attempt to limit our activity so that we don’t potentially cause more damage.
Interestingly, it’s also true that we may be injured or are being injured but aren’t feeling pain.
Pain is not necessarily proportional to injury and pain may be felt in another area other than where the problem is located.
Our nervous system (including our brain) will change and adapt to input.
It does this through a process called neural plasticity.
Our brain and body are ‘plastic.’
No, I don’t mean it’s made out of the plastics we associate with trash bags or tupperware!
Plastic in this sense means flexible and changing due to the influence of outside forces.
This process where our brain adapts to our environment is similar to how a muscle adapts to lifting weights.
When we start going to the gym and lifting weights, our bodies will slowly adapt to the stimulus.
Over time our movements become more coordinated while our muscles become bigger and stronger.
Our nervous system and brain reacts in a similar way to stimulus.
The stimulus is primarily from little receptors found everywhere in our bodies that fire up to the brain to tell us what is happening in our environment and body.
Over time, our brain learns.
Areas that are repetitively fired become bigger and stronger much like your bulging biceps from hitting the gym.
This is how we can develop better coordination and how we can learn new information for example.
Neural plasticity is a process.
It’s not ‘good‘ or ‘bad‘ in and of itself.
If we look at pain through this lens though it becomes very evident that we should not let pain continue to go on as much as possible.
This is because the pain system will get stronger and more likely to fire over time.
Our brain essentially learns how to create more pain.
The video above talks about this idea.
We’ve written a lot about pain, injury, and recovery throughout this blog emphasizing how we can often dramatically improve pain and people’s lives through the right type of chiropractic care in Texarkana.
Chiropractors can have a huge positive impact on reducing pain, including the more difficult to treat chronic pain, with Chiropractic Care.
We see it every day in our clinic.
It’s important to realize that your medical doctor and the specialists that you see likely do not know anything about how chiropractic can help you or even about this information mentioned above because it’s not what they generally do in practice.
This is why if you are in pain with a problem that a chiropractor can very likely help that you see a chiropractor to find out and not rely upon the probably well intentioned advice from your other healthcare providers.
The reality is that maybe he/she is right and a chiropractor can’t help the particular painful condition… and maybe they are wrong.
We often see patients that are told they have no other recourse than drugs and many no other options other than surgery… and that they shouldn’t see a chiropractor.
They then come in anyway and very often get better.
This is because the recommendation was not based on anything other than an opinion about something where the healthcare provider did not have any expertise.
Over the years, we’ve helped countless people avoid surgery because we helped them get better without it.
No one healthcare practitioner can help everyone unfortunately.
The good news is that we have been able to help thousands of Texarkana residents and we would like to add your name to the long list of successes.
The truth is the only way to discover if we can help you is to come see us at our Texarkana Clinic.
Dr. Hagebusch can talk with you about your symptoms and how they occurred as well as doing a comprehensive examination to locate problems.
If Dr. Hagebusch can help you, he’ll let you know and if you need to see someone else… he’ll tell you!
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