Shocking that a few days of taking narcotics causes losses of brain mass.
ONE month of opiod pain relievers causes losses of brain gray matter according to a recent study.
“Scientists from the United States and Australia have confirmed there is reduced gray matter volume in several areas of the brains of people who take opioids for more than a few days (Pain Med 2015 Dec 26. [Epub ahead of print]).
The stats on opiate use are pretty shocking in general.
- 6% of people that take an opiate for a week are still on an opiate in a year.
- About 30% that are on an opiate for 30 days are still on opiates in a year.
- Pregnant women are using opiates.
- There was a 5X increase in babies born with with an opiate addiction from 2000 to 2012, with an estimated 21,732 infants were born with addiction in 2012.
- Every 25 Minutes, 1 Baby is born suffering from opiate withdrawal.
These are real reasons for very serious concern about taking opiates.
There is an alternative that’s safe, effective, and without the side effects of medication…
Hagebusch ChiropracticHagebuschChiropractic@gmail.com903-793-1084
#TexarkanaChiropractor #NaturalPainRelief
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