The Opiate Crisis Continues.

If you’re in pain, obviously opiates are NOT the answer….
Opiates are very effective pain relievers.
The problem is that they are also addictive and deadly. A person on opiates over time needs more and more opiate in order to have an effect. There is a limit to how much a person can take and far too often, people taking opiates either exceed that limit or take ever stronger opiates. In both cases the results can be deadly.
We hear so much about the deaths and massive problems associated with opiates.
Every opiate problem begins with taking the 1st pill… and it’s almost always for a musculoskeletal problem.
The best way to avoid becoming another victim, another statistic in the opiod crisis, is not to ever start.
Chiropractic is a big part of the solution to the opioid crisis and contrary to using the 1st opioid, all you have to do is get started so you can get better by helping what is causing the pain and you’ll never need that 1st opiate.
At Hagebusch Chiropractic Texarkana, we help people recover from injuries like whiplash, disc injuries, sprains, sports injuries, work injuries, and more so that neck pain, back pain, sciatica, nerve related musculoskeletal pain, shoulder pain, headaches and migraines get better without drugs or surgery.
Do you need to see an experienced chiropractor in Texarkana?
Contact us, we’re here to help you like Dr. Hagebusch DC has helped thousands of other Texarkana area residents.
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