This post will talk about how to improve your resistance to flu viruses naturally.
Often we think about getting the flu vaccine as the only thing we can do to prevent getting sick or spreading the viruses.
The problem is that the flu vaccine isn’t very effective for preventing you from getting the flu. It’s effectiveness varies from year to year and from virus to virus but many people that get the vaccine also get the flu.
In fact depending on the year, there are generally there are a greater number of people who get the vaccine that are unprotected than those that end up protected by the vaccine.
Maybe there’s more to this whole prevention thing…
Have you ever wondered why for example in a room of 10 people that are all exposed to a virus why one gets sick and the other 9 are fine?
This was a question that the founder of chiropractic asked himself as he was attempting to figure out why some people get sick while others around them do not. This is what he had to say…
“I desired to know why one person was ailing and his associate, eating at the same table, working in the same shop, at the same bench was not.
What difference was there in these two persons that caused one to have various diseases, while his partner escaped?”
This quote is from the founder of chiropractic, DD Palmer.
The best defense against catching the flu is also the best defense against every other health problem and chronic disease that people so commonly get today.
If you are truly healthy and functioning at an optimal level, then you’ll likely be in the group that doesn’t catch the colds and flu that seem everywhere this time of year.
Being healthy basically comes down to having a good functioning body and having healthy habits.
This means eating the right things (I know, it’s both tricky and difficult!), exercising often, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, and getting outside… all of which can be a big challenge for people.
The more complex thing is how our body’s problems, including things that change the musculoskeletal system while often causing pain and other symptoms also causes changes in our nervous system.
The nervous system is responsible for coordinating and controlling every single process occurring every second in your body, including how your immune system works.
This area, neuro-immunology is showing what chiropractors have noticed in their patients since chiropractic began… that your body’s movements and functioning is directly tied to how well your nervous system functions.
No medicine of any kind provides the benefits that improving your body’s function and improving your daily habits will have for you.
*Yes, I know. Things will still go wrong at times, however you are stacking the deck in your favor by adopting healthy habits and eliminating unhealthy ones.
In the next post, we’ll talk about some specific things you can do on your own to reduce your risks of getting sick while improving your overall health!
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