One of the biggest threats to our health in the modern world is stress.

Stress has been associated with so many chronic and deadly diseases.
Minimizing your stress is important through lifestyle management including getting enough sleep, exercising daily, spending time with people you enjoy, doing things you love doing, laughing, in addition to things like meditation and prayer.
Of course seeing a Chiropractor helps reduce physical stresses on the body from abnormal muscle spasms, movement patterns, and injuries.
Make reducing stress a focus of your health goals and watch how it improves not just your immune health as noted in the mice but also your general health and happiness.
Here’s the study about stressed out mice…
Stress Increases Susceptibility To Viral Infections (Mouse Study)
The susceptibility of mice to intranasally inoculated vesicular stomatitis virus was significantly altered by daily exposure to 3-hr periods of high intensity sound (123 db).
Animals inoculated before and after the first period of stress showed an increase in susceptibility.
Daily stress after the inoculation further influenced susceptibility.
Stress and Susceptibility to Viral Infections
Marcus M. Jensen and A. F. Rasmussen
J Immunol January 1, 1963, 90 (1) 21-23;
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