Memorial Day is a day set aside to honor the military men and women who gave their lives in war.

- The 4,435 Americans killed in the American Revolutionary War.
- The 2,260 Americans killed in the War of 1812.
- The 618,000 Americans killed in the Civil War.
- The 2,446 Americans killed in the Spanish-American War.
- The 116,516 Americans killed in WWI.
- The 405,399 Americans killed in WWII.
- The 36,574 Americans killed in the Korean War.
- The 58,220 Americans killed in the Vietnam War.
- The 2,300 Americans killed in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars.
- The 383 Americans killed in the Gulf War.
- And all the Americans killed in other wars. Everyone of them count.
These men and women gave up their lives doing what our country asked of them, sacrificing everything. They were heroes.
I salute each and every one of you and your families who also suffered as a result of your loss.
Other Veterans Also Are Paying A Huge Price.
Our Veterans might make it home, but still suffer from their service…
We lose more than 20 US Veterans every day to suicide. They are also casualties that aren’t counted above.
We have about 4 million veterans had a service related disability. This is defined as disease or injury (mental or physical) incurred or aggravated during active military service. The Department of Veterans Affairs reports 1.3 million veterans have a total disability of 70% or higher.
We have nearly 40,000 homeless Veterans in the US.
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