Phones, Tablets, Video Games, Media and Your Child’s Brain Health.
A recent study follows up with other research showing potential serious problems with prolonged media use and our health, in this case in kids.
We previously covered a shocking study showing ‘digital dementia‘ in heavy internet users.
Other posts about problems with mobile devices and excessive TV time.
A recent article again drove home the damage caused by excessive screen time… this time in kids.
Screen time associated with a child’s brain atrophy/losses of cortical mass.
“In brain scans of 4,500 children, daily screen usage of more than seven hours showed premature thinning of the brain cortex, the outermost layer that processes information from the physical world.”
Kids NEED much more movement and much less media.
It’s very important for your child’s health and their future.
Try to get them involved in physical activities and really reduce the amount of time they spend staring at the phones, tablets, and video games.
It will make a huge difference in the health and neurological development.
We see so many kids today with serious health and developmental problems ranging from obesity to diabetes, fatty liver disease, ADD, ADHD, sensorimotor processing disorders, dyslexia, and much more.
Of course there are many factors in play here that are leading to so many major problems… ranging from what we eat to how we sleep, exercise, and the thousand’s of chemicals we’re exposed to in our daily lives.
We can definitely add media use to the list of contributing factors and it can be a major one as mentioned in the study referenced above.
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