“Is it ok to keep taking it?”

A couple of things. People commonly do things that have risk.
Some get away with it, some do not.
There is certainly reason for concern with chronic tylenol consumption.
There are definitely risks and these may be increased with many different things including history of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, history of taking other medications that damage the liver, or any pre-existing liver disease including the exceptionally common, metabolic syndrome cause fatty liver disease.
I would also add, you you be shocked at how many other over the counter and prescription medications also contain tylenol.
It’s in a lot of different products, so exposure can be much higher than people realize.
The other most common type of pain relievers, NSAIDs, also have different but serious risks .
I would offer another idea that is to find out why you’re having headaches and if at all possible, correct that then you don’t have any need to continue taking pain relievers.
This is in contrast to the current most common model of care… you have a symptom, you take this medication(s) for that symptom. If it doesn’t get better, take more and different medications.
Every week, we see people who had suffered with headaches for years or often decades who have tried so many different medications without getting much relief, if any.
Over and over again, the chronic headache sufferers get better and get their lives back. It can happen in your case too.
You just have to see the right health care practitioner.
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