One Very Common Headache is the medication overuse OR Rebound Headache. 
This type of headache is caused by taking medication for headaches.
Read on to discover more about on of the most common problems that you may have never previously heard about…
According to the Mayo Clinic…
“Rebound headaches (medication-overuse headaches) are caused by regular, long-term use of medication to treat headaches, such as migraine. Pain relievers offer relief for occasional headaches. But if you take them more than a couple of days a week, they may trigger rebound headaches.
It appears that any medication taken for pain relief can cause rebound headaches, but only if you already have a headache disorder. Pain relievers taken regularly for another condition, such as arthritis, have not been shown to cause rebound headaches in people who never had a headache disorder.”
Rebound Headaches occur when someone takes an over the counter or prescription pain reliever regularly for their headache.
If you take these medications for 10 or more days a month then you are at risk for developing this problem.
Medication overuse often happens because the fear of developing a headache drives someone to take medication regularly.
The problem is that taking a pain reliever can make it more likely that the headache returns.
It can also make the headache more resistant to pain medications.
Headaches may improve after an initial withdrawal period. Unfortunately, during this period of withdrawal headaches often worsen.
Now, please don’t get me wrong…
I’m not suggesting that you stop taking your medications on your own.
Withdrawal symptoms can be very severe depending upon the person and the medication. Talk to your doctor and pharmacist prior to changing any medication.
I only want you to be aware of this common problem so that you may have a better understanding of one reason that your headaches might continue to come back.
I also hope that it might lead you to seeking out other options because the reality is that there are other treatments beyond medications that often help and/or eliminate headaches.
If you are interested in finding out if our treatment could help you improve your headaches, then just fill out the form below for a Free Headache Consultation with me where I can sit down with you and find out more about your particular problem.
If I believe I can help you, I’ll let you know and if not – I will give you recommendations on other treatment options that are likely to help you.
If you are a good fit with a great chance of success, then we will customize a plan of chiropractic care for your Headaches.
I’m offering this for free because I want to remove any obstacle to you in finding out if you can finally end your Headaches.
No one treatment approach can help every person, but so many people have improved their Headaches under my care that I would like to see if I can add your name to the long list.
Pick Up Our Free Report, “How To End Headaches and Migraines Naturally Without Medications”
If you have not been to a chiropractor before, want to find out more, OR if you have a question – please Email Us or call 903-793-1084.
For Your Health!
Marc Hagebusch DC
Doctor of Chiropractic
Hagebusch Chiropractic
#TexarkanaChiropractor #Headaches
- Headache Classification Committee. The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd Edition. Cephalalgia 2004;24:1-160.
- Headache Classification Committee. New appendix criteria open for a broader concept of chronic migraine. Cephalalgia 2006;26:742-746.
- Silberstein SD, Lipton RB, Saper JR. Chronic daily headache including transformed migraine, chronic tension-type headache, and medication overuse headache. In: Silberstein SD, Lipton RB, Dodick DW, eds. Wolff’s Headache and Other Head Pain. Eighth ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007:315-378.
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