Health insurance companies are often considered a big part of the problem in American health care.
We often pay a lot of money every month to have a policy with limited coverage and very high deductibles.
Many times necessary treatment is denied… regardless of necessity.
Outside of these big problems, insurance companies and our health do have a common interest.
The common interest is in the promotion of health and the reduction of health care costs.
Our reliance on drugs and surgery in America to treat our health problems is very expensive and more importantly not very effective.
According to advisory.com,
"Overall, CMS projected that total health care spending grew by an average of 4.6% in 2017, reaching nearly $3.5 trillion.
CMS estimated that US health care spending would reach about $5.7 trillion by 2026.
It’s not that the drugs or surgery are ‘bad.’
The problem is that we’re waiting and intervening late in disease processes.
Late disease processes are much harder to treat and get better.
It’s Very Costly.
One of the primary causes of bankruptcies in the United States is from medical bills.
It’s also clearly going to bankrupt our country as seen in the ridiculous stats above with current health care spending at $3.5 Trillion… and projections of $5.7 Trillion in 7 years!
Beyond the cost and ineffectiveness of intervening late in the disease process… It also carries greater risks.
Most people end up on numerous medications that only multiply as they get older. Each additional medication brings with it potential for additional harm.
Death by prescription medication is estimated to be the 3rd leading cause of death in America.
From an article in the Polish Archives Of Internal Medicine...
"Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe.
Around half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly; the other half die because of errors, such as too high a dose or use of a drug despite contraindications."
Look at the Opiod Crisis…
The US makes up 5%of the world’s population and consumes about 80% of the world’s prescription opioid drugs.
Prescription opioid drugs contribute to 40% of all US opioid overdose deaths.
In 2016, more than 46 people died each day from overdoses involving prescription opioids.
Waiting For Major Disease and Crippling Pain Is The Problem.
The Million Dollar Question…
Has our over reliance on medications become a major reason why our healthcare system isn’t working?
There is a simple healthcare solution.
We need to be much more pro-active with our health… not just reactive.
We know that maintenance on our car saves us from having to make major repairs later.
You are worth far more than your car… and unfortunately the damage over time can be catastrophic and very difficult to recover from regardless of type of care.
Real healthcare is what we each can do for ourselves on a regular basis… eat right, exercise, reduce stress, sleep better, and a fully acknowledged biased but supported opinion… see a chiropractor.
If you’re in Texarkana, come see us at our Texarkana office.
Dr. Hagebusch has helped thousands of Texarkana area residents live healthier, more active pain free lives.
Our prescription drugs kill us in large numbers.
Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2014;124(11):628-34. Epub 2014 Oct 30.
Gøtzsche PC.
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