If you are concerned about getting covid-19, the absolutely best thing you can do is to improve your health, especially metabolic health by eating better, exercising daily, reducing stress (ie. quit paying attention to all the doomsday news), improve sleep, get outside in the sun, and do some things you love doing.
The greatest risk factors for developing severe complications are advancing age, particularly 65 years and older; obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic lung diseases, and immune system problems (for any reason including being on immuno-suppressant drugs including possibly these over the counter pain relievers).
We can’t do anything about some factors, BUT we can do something about many others to improve our health. Focusing on all the lifestyle factors above is a great way to get started. The
You can be proactive starting today becoming healthier, rather than worrying about things that are outside of our control.
Get healthy before you get sick with anything. It’s the best way to reduce your risk from the coronavirus and every major chronic disease that is much more likely to take you out than a virus.
Here’s the truth that no one is telling us right now, the virus is a problem (ok – everyone is telling you this but bear with me!) however, you are much more likely to die from a heart attack or other primarily lifestyle related problem than you are from coronavirus… PLUS the people most susceptible to the virus have chronic health problems that are in the overwhelming majority of cases lifestyle related diseases.
Improving your health will obviously make you healthier which relates to better resilience, a longer life, as well as feeling and looking better so that you can enjoy it!
Start now, be relentlessly persistent, and inside of 2 weeks you’ll already feel better and be healthier.
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