Are Frustrated With An Autoimmune Condition?
This is the beginning of several posts to help people understand why they still have so many symptoms and problems even though you’re being treated for an autoimmune condition.
I recently took a great course in functional medicine with Dr. Kharrazian on the latest research into improving autoimmunity which went into research that shows there are certain lifestyle and environmental factors that drive autoimmunity in different people.
The course,
“Autoimmunity Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications.”
This course was based on Dr. Kharrazian’s research as a PhD in immunology coupled with his clinical practice seeing autoimmune patients. He has discovered some effective natural treatments to improve function in a person with an autoimmune disorder.
It should be noted that autoimmunity is a permanent condition even though it can go into remission. The goal of treatment for someone with autoimmunity is to help reduce potential problems and exacerbations while increasing remission times.
These conditions are far more common than most people realize. It’s just that many people are never properly diagnosed meaning that for many people they have an autoimmune condition causing their symptoms but are never told and often never tested for autoimmunity. Also many problems can be autoimmune but aren’t currently thought of as autoimmune.
Even worse for those with these serious diseases, if the person eventually gets diagnosed, they never hear about safe interventions they can do to improve their health so they’re doing and feeling better.
Autoimmune disease taken collectively are a very big health problem in our country.
The rates of autoimmune disease are rising at an alarming rate and impacting all age groups, including children.
This huge rise in the number of cases in a relatively short period of time means that it is not due to a sudden genetic change in humans like what happens in the X-Men movies.
It’s due to environmental triggers that have changed considerably in recent years.
Autoimmunity is an immune system problem, although it’s generally thought of as an end organ problem of your thyroid, brain, skin, gut, joints, or any other organ or part of your body.
Part of the reason autoimmunity is not considered a huge problem by many is that…
Autoimmunity ends up being classified as hundreds of different diseases and we’re learning now that many disease not thought of as autoimmune are or can be autoimmune.
This makes people think they’re much less common than they are unfortunately.
Autoimmune diseases include conditions such as Hashimoto’s ( the cause of 90% or so of hypothyroid cases in the US – if you have low thyroid, you very likely have Hashimoto’s ), multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diabetes, skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema (there is some debate here however there is no doubt that the skin condition is caused from an immune response ie autoimmunity where our immune system attacks our body), and so many more.
I discussed in previous blog posts that trauma causing a concussion can cause brain based autoimmune attacks.
So many other traumas and stressors can as well.
Some of these are environmental exposures to chemicals or even mold.
Others are due to lifestyle factors like diet that led to a breakdown of the gut barrier causing the immune system to become too active.
There is evidence that in a number of autistic kids, it’s an autoimmune condition. It’s never treated like that though and the kids generally do fairly bad with serious lifelong difficulties.
Anyone having vague and unusual chronic symptoms is a red flag for an autoimmune process that may or may not have progressed to outright autoimmune disease yet.
Of course unusual symptoms can be other things as well.
Why Does A Texarkana Chiropractor Take A Post-Doctorate Course In Autoimmunity?
I took this course to better understand factors underlying the many people that I see who have autoimmune conditions. Often chiropractic care can help people with autoimmunity feel and function better. Many people suffering from autoimmunity have pain that can be improved with chiropractic.
It should also be noted that the autoimmune triggers drive inflammation and pain in people. These pain based symptoms are common reasons they’re seeking care in my Chiropractic office.
Chiropractic care generally helps people a lot with their pain and ability to recover from whatever brought them in to see me even if they had an autoimmune condition and were involved in an automobile accident or something else like neck pain, back pain, extremity pain, or headaches – all of which I see on a daily basis.
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