“Can Chiropractic help instead of taking medicine?”

The extremely short answer is, yes you’ll probably have great success seeing a chiropractor.
I need to explain a few things though.
The first thing is that very often what feels like a pinched nerve very often really isn’t one.
This isn’t necessarily super-relevant to the patient who just wants to get out of pain. But it is very important for a health care provider to understand.
So many different things can cause similar types of pain and symptoms.
Now sometimes it is a true ‘pinched‘ nerve.
This is mostly relevant because a true ‘pinched’ nerve has a certain timeline where it needs to be helped or permanent damage will occur.
A 2014 paper found that in a study group of MRI confirmed disc herniation appearing to compress a nerve that 90.5% improved with chiropractic care.
So even in cases of true pinched nerves, chiropractic can very often help.
Most lower back pain is due to some type of movement based problem.
These types of problems respond best to movement based treatments chiropractic adjustments and rehabilitation.
Both of which chiropractors do to help their patients among other things.
Medical treatment revolves around taking a medication for each symptom.
It wouldn’t really make much logical sense that if someone had a true ‘pinched’ nerve that a prescription pain reliever would correct it, would it?
Chiropractic has had tremendous success treating so many types of lower back pain.
In fact, it’s so rare that people do not respond extremely well that we are often shocked. In these cases, it may indicate some other very significant things could be going on which we investigate.
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