“My doctor thinks it might be due to inflammation.”

Chronic pain is a complex process. There tend to be several things going on and we’ll talk about a very important one here so that you can better understand what to do about it if you’re ready to finally get rid of the ongoing pain.
Chronic pain is generally not just an inflammatory process, although sometimes the immune system gets carried away.
You may have inflammation too in addition to another factor I’ll mention below.
There are specific lab markers that can tell you about inflammation levels.
Chronic pain from an injury generally has more to do with how our nervous system is now wired.
Our nervous system is alive and changing.
Connections and pathways that fire over time become stronger through a process called neuroplasticity.
Using the same process, neuroplasticity, a health care provider that understands this can use it to ‘turn down‘ the overactive ‘pain‘ nerves.
Different physical treatments if done at the right time and right intensity can often work well for this.
These types of treatment would vary by the individual but generally might range from a Chiropractic adjustment to rehabilitation and different types of therapy.
This is because different types of nerves are are turned off or better said turned down and made less likely to fire.
Over time this connection can be strengthened just like the the problem of high firing ‘pain‘ nerves over time causes chronic pain even after the tissue has healed from the trauma.
It’s this approach, over time that can make a huge difference in chronic pain sufferers.
If you suffer with chronic pain, live in the Texarkana area, and are ready to see if we can help you, like we’ve helped thousands of other people in Texarkana then contact us! We’re here to help!
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