Benefits of a Comprehensive Chiropractic Wellness Program 
A retrospective study of a standardized, 18 week wellness protocol was shown to improve weight, heart rate, blood pressure, strength, body-mass index, and forced vital capacity.
The Chiropractic Wellness Program was based on lifestyle changes focusing on diet, exercise, nutritional supplements, one-on-one health coaching, and Chiropractic.
The study evaluated the effects of Chiropractic Clinics using a standardized approach to Wellness.
178 participants completed the 18 week program.
The outcome measures found…
Improved health risk factors for cardiovascular events, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cancer.
The results of this study using this chiropractic wellness program have implications related to a broad number of public health issues related to management of chronic lifestyle diseases.
The researcher reported,
“All of the participating (Chiropractic) clinics practice a form of chiropractic that involves management of vertebral subluxation (spinal problems that impact the neuro-musculoskeletal system).
This application of chiropractic is not solely directed at spinal manipulation for the treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal pain syndromes.
In other words, the subjects in the study weren’t treated for pain. They were treated to improve function and general wellness… and it worked.
Subjects in the study were able to lower their risk factors for serious chronic diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cancer).
Click the link if you are interested in a Chiropractic Wellness Program in Texarkana that is designed to help you Lose Weight, Improve Fitness, Reduce Pain and Stiffness, Have More Energy, and Improve Risk Factors so that you can enjoy Better Health in only 18 Weeks!
The Chiropractic Wellness Transformation Program is based around three basic concepts…
How To Eat, Move, and Think Better.
J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jan;17(1):39-44. doi: 10.1089/acm.2010.0113. Epub 2011 Jan 3.
Evaluation of a standardized wellness protocol to improve anthropometric and physiologic function and to reduce health risk factors: a retrospective analysis of outcome.
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