How To Accomplish Your Health and Wellness Goals Faster Than You Ever Imagined Possible.
Health and Wellness… Improve Pain, Lose Weight, Have More Energy, and Reduce Your Risk Of Suffering and An Early Death In Texarkana!
In the previous post, we introduced a concept of investing in your health and wellness.
Let’s see how you can better apply it in your life so you can not just look and feel better, but actually be better.
The CDC reports that the majority of chronic diseases are caused by lifestyle habits like a poor diet, exercise, stress, and sleep problems.
What’s the greatest secret to accomplishing your health goals?
Small steps completed consistently over time allows you to accomplish anything. It’s the secret of compounded interest.
The formula is…
Small smart choices + consistency + time = radical, major achievement.
Understanding Compounding with the story of The Magic Penny
I didn’t create this story, it’s been told in a variety of different ways by so many different people over the years, but regardless of source…
This May Be The Most Important Principle You Can Learn To Achieve Any Goal in Texarkana![health and wellness steps in texarkana](
Here’s the scenario. You are offered a choice.
You can either take $3 Million in cash right now OR a single penny that doubles every day for 31 days… which would you choose?
Spoiler Alert…
Take the penny!
Why… because it is worth MUCH more money in the end, BUT it does take longer to see the pay off!
Let’s say YOU take the instant cold, hard cash AND your friend takes the penny.
At first, you’re happy. Your friend appears to be a fool.
Let’s look at how this plays out over time…
On day 5, you have $3 Million and your friend only has 16 cents. Of course at this point you’re thinking, “My friend is an idiot. I really need to get smarter friends.”
On day 10, Your friend has $5.12 versus your BIG money. How is your friend feeling at this point?
Your spending your millions and loving life while your friend is putting in the time and waiting patiently with very little to show for it.
On day 20, your friend has only $5,243. How is your friend feeling at this point… considering all their sacrifice and positive behavior. Your friend has a little over $5,000. You, however, still have whatever is left of your $3 million.
At this point, the magic of the compound effect starts to kick in. It’s still the same degree of mathmatical growth, but it begins to really show the compounding.
On day 31, your friend has $10,737,418.24!
This is more than 3 times your original $3 million.
This is exactly why consistency over time is important.
- On day 29, you have $3 million and your friend has about $2.7 million.
- Your friend doesn’t pull ahead of you until day 30 with $5.3 million.
- On day 31, your friend leaves you in the dust with well over $10 million!
There are few things as powerful as this compounding effect.
Amazingly, you can harness this same compounding effect in every area of your own life.
Let’s use another example to illustrate the difference that consistant, directed effort makes over time.
In a practical way, everything that you do every single day can serve to make you better or make you worse.
You may be frustrated with the extra 20 pounds you’ve been carrying around the last few years, but those chocolate cupcakes sure look good with their seductive rainbow sprinkles.
Surely, one cupcake won’t ruin you.
The problem is that the compound effect works in a negative manner just like it does in a positive one.![cupcake and desert sugar, diabetes, illness, weight gain](
The delicious cupcake moves you BACKWARDS.
You gain a little more weight, you get a little more fatigued, you are drawn a little closer to obesity and it’s devastating health effects (depression, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc)… AND most people make bad choices EVERY day making it impossible to achieve their goals.
It just happens so slowly that you don’t see it happening.
It’s the compound effect of bad choices.
The same thing happens in a positive way when you make good choices EVERY day… you join a gym, an exercise class, AND show up to train.
You change your diet and you focus on consistency.
You’re in it for the long haul, not some quick fix.
The progress is slow at first.
You wonder, am I going to be able to do it?
You know about the magic power of compounding demonstrated in the penny example, so you hang in there.
You train a couple of times a week.
You start eating better each day, every meal.
A month passes and you’ve lost about 10 pounds.
You have more energy, you’re sleeping better, you’re able to do more at home and work. You have the energy to play with your kids!
You’re starting to feel better… you’re less stressed out, you have more energy, you’re just starting to feel better…
You continue exercising and eating right because you know that it’s consistency that really pays off.
Three months into this and you’ve lost 22 pounds.
You haven’t looked this good since High School…
A year passes, you’ve lost 40lbs, feel better, have more energy, and have improved your health.
You look back on everything you’ve accomplished over the last year.
You compare your progress to your friend Bob’s progress over the last year.
Bob’s now 30 pounds over weight. He hates his life. He’s stressed out and working on another heart attack.
We all make choices every day.
I think the biggest problem with our society in America right now is the inability of people to delay instant gratification.
Everyone wants the cupcake and they want it now, not worrying about the health and disease consequences that will occur later.
It’s what’s happening with our kids…
They’re getting less fit, playing more video games, and losing the values of hard work… then most programs cater to the lowest common denominator instead of challenging them.
No child left behind?
It’s more like put the slowest kid in the front, so no one ever develops into a good runner.
This is why our kids are losing their health, they’re developing previously adult onset diseases, they’re losing their drive as they’re bodies and brains fail.
Get better every day, focus on YOUR health and your family’s health.
It will transform your lives and shield you against the problems associated with sickness and disease before it ever happens.
This is the real solution to health care.
Do You Live In The Texarkana Area and Want Some Help?
Contact Us to schedule your first appointment in our Texarkana office. We’re here to help!
We look forward to adding your name to the thousands of other Texarkana area residents we’ve helped!
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