Quotes That Make Sense…

3 Health Quotes from the excellent book,
“Why Isn’t My Brain Working? A revolutionary understanding of brain decline and effective strategies to recover your brain’s health”
The book is written by Datis Kharrazian, a chiropractic neurologist and PhD researcher.
He’s well known for his work in ‘functional medicine,’ as well as linking functional neurology and lifestyle changes to improve health and wellness in people suffering from many problems ranging from neurological problems to gut health, autoimmunity, brain, and more.
“Functional Medicine” is a little bit of a misnomer.
It really doesn’t have anything to do with MDs, medicine, or taking medications.
It’s primarily looking at functional problems that are causing symptoms in people and finding the root cause of the dysfunction with treatment aimed at helping improve the problem generally using natural methods of care and lifestyle recommendations.
Various types of health care practitioners may practice “functional medicine” ranging from MDs to DCs (chiropractors), PTs (physical therapists), mental health practitioners, and more.
Back To The Book, “Why Isn’t My Brain Working”
“From a neurological standpoint, depression is simply decreased firing of the frontal lobe, the area at the front of the brain that gives us motivation and a sense of well-being.”
This is important because it tells us its a physical problem and not some ill defined ‘mental‘ problem. Its also important because it means it can be improved through increasing its firing.
Increased firing in the frontal/pre-frontal cortex can be accomplished through repetitive physical activation using various means, including as Dr. Carrick’s research and Dr. Haavik’s research among others… the chiropractic adjustment.
“Three of the more common outcomes of brain degeneration problems are fatigue, depression, and gastrointestinal problems, though they are rarely treated as such.”
The brain and the gut are intimately related. One effects the other in a constant feedback loop. This is one reason why we often have to also improve lifestyle factors which effect the gut and the brain in order to improve our health and wellness.
Gluten Drives Autoimmunity and Neurological Problems
“No food is a more powerful trigger of neurological issues and autoimmunity than gluten, the protein found in wheat.”
Grains, particularly ‘gluten‘ containing grains cause many people very serious health issues due to immune activation. It does not only effect people with celiac disease. That’s a myth that really needs to be put to rest.
Just to clarify, gluten technically is found in all grains.
What is commonly referred to as ‘gluten‘ is a particular type of gluten in wheat, barley, rye, spelt, and usually oats.
It has been shown to damage the gut lining and trigger the immune system. It has also been shown to drive some neurological problems.
This is in addition to the problem that grains are found in very highly processed foods with other problematic ingredients AND that grains will drive blood sugar and insulin problems in so many people.
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