A Common Food In Your Diet Might Be To Blame. 
Very interesting study from 2002 in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry.
In this study, 57% of patients with a neurological problem of unidentified cause had elevated antibodies to gluten.
This was more than 10 X the incidence of those with neurological disease of a known cause.
Elevated antibodies to gluten means that the body is mounting an immune response to gluten.
When your body does this, many problems can occur that can range from mild to very severe.
The symptoms and problems will depend on the process of autoimmunity where your body begins to attack itself as a result of the mounting immune response that may begin with simply consuming a food that you react to, a common food that can cause a reaction is gluten… and it doesn’t just happen in Celiacs.
It may result in pain, headaches, behavioral changes (schizophrenia, attention problems (like ADD / ADHD), brain fog,…), balance/coordination issues, and so many other symptoms that can be very serious for an individual.
It’s impossible to not wonder how many kids and adults are suffering on a daily basis, through their entire lives with a gluten sensitivity that simply don’t know about it because they were never tested with the right lab work.
“When the cause of a neurological disease is known, the percentage of those patients with elevated antibodies to gluten is 5%.
When the cause of a neurological disease is unknown, the percentage of those patients with elevated antibodies to gluten is 57%.”
[J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2002;72:560-563.]
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