October 16th is #WorldSpineDay and this year we encourage you to take some basic steps to improve your spinal health which will also improve your overall health.
Unfortunately, we tend to only think about spinal health when our neck, shoulders, or back hurts which for far too many people is every day.
Proper and full spinal movement is a pre-requisite for health and wellness.
A bold statement that may leave you thinking, “Come on doc, I know the spine might be important when it hurts but you’re getting a little carried away here!“
OK, I get it. You’re a little skeptical.
Let me explain what is never taught in school or talked about in the media to any significant degree…
Our nervous system, our brains, are a ‘sensory driven‘ system.
What this means is that the brain gets input from the environment through little receptors throughout your body, this stimulates the brain (leading to activity in the brain), it takes it all in, processes it lighting the brain up like a Christmas tree, the makes different types of ‘motor‘ responses.
Motor is any type of output from the brain.
This includes control of movement, posture, coordination, the function of every organ in your body, and even your thoughts!
So here’s the basic system of brain function…
Environmental energy -> sensation fires the brain -> processing in the brain -> different types of output which control every single part of your body.
OK so you’re wondering, “Why is the spine a big deal?“
MOST of the activation driving brain activity comes from the muscles of the body (not your eyes, ears, moth, etc). The majority of this activity from the muscles comes from the spinal muscles.
We’re wired this way to take advantage of the only constant form of environmental energy, gravity. Think about it, light and sound (etc) can all go away at times, gravity does not.
Now let’s go back to the proven idea, that the brain requires constant activation to work properly.
If you lose any spinal movement or function, you will have 100% chance of changing brain function. The change varies, but changes in input = changes in output.
This is one of the reasons that spinal movement and function is critical to health. It also helps explain why so many people see a chiropractor and not only have less pain but also report feeling much better in other ways.
The Spinal Health and Overall Wellness Formula is…
See a great Chiropractor to improve movement and function + exercise daily + eat right + sleep enough + reduce stress = feel amazing!
We hope you are enjoying your Spine Day!
We’re open today celebrating! We recommend joining us…
Come in to see Dr. Hagebusch, a Texarkana Chiropractor who has helped thousands of Texarkana area residents recover from injuries as well as live healthier, happier, more active lives!
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