How To Best Use Exercise After A Texarkana Car Accident To Improve Neck Pain.

Research has shown that exercise can help people recover from spinal injuries like whiplash from a car accident. So many people in Texarkana suffer long term effects from whiplash injuries that often causes neck pain, stiffness, headaches, muscle spasms, and more.
A recent study looked at the benefits of doing it on your own versus with the supervision of a health care practitioner.
The researchers question was essentially…
- Can you just get some exercises from a Physical Therapist or a Chiropractor and do them on your own?
- Can you just go to the gym and do some exercises figuring it out on your own?
- Or is it best to work with an experienced healthcare practitioner for a specific rehabilitation exercise program?
- Which approach works best for people suffering from whiplash injuries?
A 2015 study looked at this question… comparing general exercise to professional led exercise for whiplash injuries causing neck pain and problems.
In this study of people suffering with chronic whiplash related pain the researchers put the people into 3 different groups.
1. Healthcare practitioner led neck exercises
2. Behavioral interventions plus Healthcare practitioner led neck exercises or…
3. A general exercise program.
The results of the study showed that neck exercises led by a trained healthcare practitioner using neck exercises improved recovery.
After 6 months, 39-44% of patients in the healthcare practitioner led neck exercises groups had a significant reduction in pain.
Only 28% in the generalized exercise group had a significant improvement in neck pain.
Adding the behavioral intervention to the neck exercises did not make a significant difference in this study.
Car accident injury patients can benefit from the skills of a medical professional experienced in exercise treatments.
It should be noted that the term whiplash is a generic term that doesn’t really identify the specific injuries and sources of pain in a car accident victim.
People suffering from neck pain after a crash need to be properly evaluated by an experienced Chiropractor that is able to diagnose the cause of the pain and other symptoms.
This involves doing a thorough consultation, examination, and appropriate imaging.
Far too often there are problems in each of these areas when an injured person is rushed through a typical medical visit.
Seeing the right doctor can help a person get the right diagnosis and the right treatment for them… because it can vary from person to person even if people were in the same accident.
Have You Been Involved In A Texarkana Area Car Accident and Need An Experienced Chiropractor That Has Helped Thousands Of Texarkana Residents Recover From Whiplash?
Contact us at Hagebusch Chiropractic Texarkana to see Dr. Hagebusch who has helped thousands of people recover from Car Accidents often after they they seen many other doctors who did not help them.
We’re here for you. Contact us today and get back on the road to recovery so you can feel better and be better so you can enjoy your life! Call us today for an appointment so you can start getting better today!
Ludvigsson ML. The effect of neck-specific exercise with, or without a behavioral approach, on pain, disability and self-efficacy in chronic whiplash-associated disorders: a randomized clinical trial. Clinical Journal of Pain 2014.
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