How What We Do Effects Your Children and Grandchildren. Epigenetics… What Causes Genes To Be Turned On Or Off. 
Why We All Need To Take A Closer Look At Our Lifestyle, It’s Not Just About Us.
We’ve all heard about genetics and how we inherit genes from our parents.
Most people do not realize that there is much more to the story, we also inherit epigenetics from our ancestors – our parents and beyond.
What are epigenetics?
Epigenetics are heritable changes to gene expression, whether genes are active or inactive.
These are the proverbial ‘sins of our fathers‘ being passed to our offspring whether intentional or unavoidable.
We can not change our past and what our ancestors did or did not do, but we can change our future.
What are these epigenetic factors?
Unfortunately, there are many factors that will effect gene expression in our future offspring… for many generations.
These factors that cause expression of genes are primarily dictated by our environment and lifestyle.
These important factors include diet, stresses, environmental exposure to heavy metals, pesticides, diesel exhaust, tobacco smoke, radioactivity, diseases, viruses, and bacteria among others.
Why is this important?
Epigenetic changes can increase risks of your children (plus your grandkids and beyond) developing obesity, heart disease, leukemia, various cancers, Autism, many very serious genetic diseases, and more.
This is well established in research that has been going on for decades. Additional research is coming out all the time that further supports what happens and other factors that effect our progeny’s genetic expression.
These are serious threats to your future generations caused by many easily modifiable factors like diet and stresses.
What we do and what we are exposed to makes changes in our kids and future generations through these epigenetic factors.
Do epigenetic factors like diet, stresses, and environmental exposures matter if you’re done having kids?
Yes! These lifestyle factors are important in your kids and grandkids… what is their lifestyle?
This effects them and their future generations, your future generations.
If you’re kids or grandkids are spending time with you, what they are exposed to during that time is effecting epigenetic expression. These exposures can generally be modified to reduce the probability of future generations expressing very serious diseases.
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