What Causes A Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)?
Concussions occur when the soft brain is thrown around inside our harder skull.
These serious injuries don’t happen just from sports, and they don’t just happen to young adults.
Concussions frequently happen to the aging population from falls and are over looked. They are common after car accidents or any other trauma to the skull.
It is also important to realize injury doesn’t necessarily correlate with how hard the blow to the head was and frequently (in 90% of cases) does not result in a loss of consciousness.
What Are The Most Common Symptoms Of A Concussion/Traumatic Brain Injury?
- headache
- difficulty with focus, thinking clearly, and learning new information
- loss of memory around event
- short term memory loss
- difficulty concentrating
- brain fog and slow thinking
- blurred vision
- irritability – this can be very severe and a problem when interacting with others including family
- mood changes like anxiety, depression, and sadness
- difficulty with sleep
- nausea
- vertigo, dizziness, and balance issues
- sensitivity to light and noise
- feeling tired and low energy
Concussions/Traumatic Brain Injuries can cause many other symptoms as well depending upon the area(s) of brain that
are effected.
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