Texarkana area residents often see us for so many different reasons. Here are a few of the common reasons people see Dr. Hagebusch at Hagebusch Chiropractic in Texarkana…
- Whiplash Injuries from Car Accidents. Virtually every day we help people that were in a Texarkana accident get better from their pain and injuries. We see people suffering from neck pain, upper back pain, low back pain, sciatica, disc injuries, concussions, headaches, dizziness, shoulder problems, hip injuries, and other extremity injuries from a collision. Dr. Hagebusch has helped thousands of Texarkana area residents recover from motor vehicle accidents since 1999.
- Sports Injuries in Kids, Teens, and Adults. We see people of all ages involved in various sports that include basketball, football, soccer, swimming, track, running, kickboxing, martial arts, and various exercise programs ranging from lifting weights, cardio, and more!
- TMJ pain and problems.
- Neck Pain.
- Shoulder Pain.
- Back Pain.
- Sciatica with radiating leg pain.
- ‘Pinched’ Nerves and the feeling of radiating pain, numbness, tingling, and/or weakness.
- Headaches, including various types ranging from migraines to tension headaches and more.
- Chronic Pain. This is pain that has been ongoing causing many problems for people. Often we see people that have experienced chronic pain for years and even decades while seeing so many other doctors, specialists, PTs, and other chiropractors.
- Vertigo and Dizziness.
- Rehabilitation of various problems and injuries.
- Improving Health and Wellness.