Understanding Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries and Concussions
Traumatic Brain Injuries are a major health problem that causes so many problems in so many people.
Traumatic Brain Injuries (tbi) are the most common form of head injury and is often called a “concussion.” This tends to indicate less severe forms of tbis.
Concussions don’t happen just from sports like football, boxing, and soccer (heading the ball and other impacts). They also don’t just happen to kids and young adults.
Concussions are common in older people from falls due to balance problems. They’re also common in car accidents.
Concussions Are Misunderstood.
One misconception is that concussions only occur if you lose consciousness.
90% of concussions don’t cause a loss of consciousness.
It’s also important to realize that the degree of the concussion injury doesn’t necessarily correlate with how hard you hit your head.
The most common form of head injury is called a mild traumatic brain injury, or “concussion.”
Think about the term though, a concussion doesn’t sound that bad compared to mild traumatic brain injury. Yet they mean the same thing and the latter helps people understand how serious the injury is as a brain injury.
We’ll continue this discussion about concussions and traumatic brain injuries over several posts that include what are common symptoms, how to be properly evaluated, and what to do about it to maximize your ability to recover.
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