Researchers find people with chronic lower back pain or reoccurring lower back pain are quickly helped with chiropractic care.

A large number of studies have shown that chiropractic care helps people suffering with acute (recent onset) back pain including from disc injuries.
A May 2001, paper in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) looked at the effect of chiropractic care on people suffering with reoccurring or chronic lower back pain.
The chronic back pain study documented 158 people suffering with ongoing back pain as they underwent Chiropractic care.
Here’s what the researchers found…
- About 50% of the participants reported improvement by the 4th Chiropractic treatment.
- About 75% of the participants reported improvement by the end of treatment at 12 Chiropractic visits.
The researchers concluded, “there seems to be a distinct recovery pattern among chiropractic patients with relatively long lasting or recurrent lower back pain.”
These are very impressive results of Chiropractic care considering the number of people suffering from ongoing lower back pain.
Back pain is exceptionally common. It causes a massive amount of suffering, disability, and loss of enjoyment of life.
It’s a leading cause of people taking numerous medications that can have serious consequences for their health and this includes starting opiates.
Virtually every day we see people come in that have suffered for years or even decades seeing so many different medical doctors, specialists, and PTs (physical therapists).
Often these people have done everything their healthcare practitioners have asked of them. They’ve taken so many different medications, had injections, sometimes surgeries, and have done PT… yet they still suffer.
Along the way, generally not once were they ever told they should see a Chiropractor. So often these people reach a breaking point and ultimately discover that simply seeing a Chiropractor was the solution all along.
If you are suffering with Low Back Pain in Texarkana, come see us! We’re here to help you like the thousands of other Texarkana area residents that Dr. Hagebusch has helped through Chiropractic care in Texarkana.
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