I would like to take this opportunity to discuss that while the holidays are a wonderful time of year to spend with friends and family, make sure you don’t neglect yourself and your health… focus on improving your health not losing it this holiday season.
Eat as well as possible, exercise often, get enough sleep, spend some time relaxing in what can be a high stress time of year, and of course see a Texarkana Chiropractor!
I want to personally wish you and your family the healthiest and happiest of holiday seasons for 2019 and a safe and wonderful New Year!
Every year at this time it again seems like time has flown by… this year as we quickly head into 2020!
It’s home stretch this year and it’s been a little frenzied.
The next New Year, 2020, is right around the corner.
The question is where do you see yourself this time next year in 2020?
This is the question most people ask themselves going into another New Year’s Day. Most people want to improve several key areas in their life.
At the top of the list for virtually everyone is money and health often followed by social things like being able to take some more time with family/friends and vacations… both of which are directly related to the first two, money and health.
Without question, health needs to take the number one spot.

If you lose it, no amount of money in the world will be enough.
Take Steve Jobs for example, someone who was extraordinarily successful.
Despite Jobs’ business and financial success he died at a very young age, 56 years old, of pancreatic cancer although he had been suffering from many other health problems that undoubtedly contributed to his death.
When we look back at 2019, it’s important to not just recognize where we fell short as well as where we succeeded in accomplishing our goals.

Looking forward to 2020, I suggest putting health at the top of your to do list because improving that will allow you to achieve more in every other area of your life, including just enjoying the gift we’ve all been given.
We make our best improvements when there are definitive goals to achieve and a step by step way to achieve them.
2020 is another huge opportunity to look forward (20/20, get it) and focus on what we really want to achieve in our lives.
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