Chiropractic Care May Prevent You From Being Injured.
This video talks about a few extremely important concepts that most people, including health care practitioners of all types, haven’t yet heard about. This is because it takes decades for most current research to become well known and used in health care practices.
Chiropractic Changes NeuroMuscular Activation Of The Core (Yes that sounds complicated, but is an easy concept explained in the video).
You’ll discover how your brain plans movement and uses something called feed forward activation to stabilize our bodies when we go to move.
This has obvious implications for athletes and sports… but also for kids, teens, men, and women that want to move better and reduce risk of injury during that movement.
The video also talks about a study that found chiropractic treatment could dramatically improve this stabilization in asymptomatic people.
These were people with problems but had no idea they were experiencing them because they didn’t have pain or any other symptom.
Chiropractors are well known for improving neck pain, back pain, extremity pain, and headaches… as well as helping people recover from injuries like whiplash from a car accident, disc herniations, sciatica, and so many different sports injuries.
There is much more to the Chiropractic story though.
This research again demonstrates some important ideas about health, injury, and chiropractic care beyond pain relief.
So many people, including many health care practitioners, still think symptoms are the real measure of health.
This is clearly not the case.
We can look at so many chronic diseases and see that they began years if not decades before symptoms occurred to tell us about them.
This is true of diabetes, autoimmune conditions, neuro-degenerative problems, arthritis, and so many other serious health conditions.
This study shows that a chiropractor can evaluate the back (sacroiliac joint that many people refer to as their hips), determine if there is a mechanical neuro-motor fault, treat it, and create changes in the brain’s ability to anticipate and stabilize core abdominal musculature.
This is truly amazing stuff that so few understand.
It really illustrates one reason why you and your family should be seeing a Chiropractor regardless of pain.
Seeing a chiropractor could save you from having a serious injury because of abnormal function that you didn’t even realize you had!
The same is true for your kids or grandkids that may also have these types of problems without symptoms that are causing problems in the nervous system and neurological control leading to problems in physical performance during play or sports and a greater risk of injury.
There is no medicine that does this one thing… and there is much more to chiropractic care than this.
Need to see Dr. Hagebusch at our Texarkana Chiropractic Clinic?
We’re here to help Texarkana live healthier, more active lives!
Dr. Hagebusch has helped thousand’s of Texarkana area residents improve their health and function with his approach to Chiropractic treatment, therapy, rehabilitation, and more.
The Effect of Sacroiliac Joint Manipulation on Feed-Forward Activation Times of the Deep Abdominal Musculature
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