Every Opiate Problem Always Starts With Taking The First Pill...
Even Though No One Ever Sets Out Wanting To Have A Serious Problem.
If you’re hurting, what can you do though?
A meta analysis of 66,000 people found that seeing a chiropractor for a musculoskeletal pain meant far fewer opiods.
“Patients who visited a chiropractor for a musculoskeletal pain condition were 49% less likely to receive an opioid prescription than their counterparts who went to other healthcare providers.”
This is a huge deal.
Opiates are a massive problem resulting in so many problems including severe addiction and deaths.
If we were to extrapolate the numbers from the article to the general population then out of the 47,000 opioid related deaths in 2017…
Seeing a chiropractor first could help cut the number about in half to 23,970 deaths from opioids.
Yes I know this number isn’t 100% accurate because of some other non-musculo-skeletal pain deaths related to opiates.
Still there are a very large number of people who could be saved by just seeing a Chiropractor.
A critical point from the article…
You do not need to see another health care provider first before seeing a chiropractor.
Chiropractors are well trained to evaluate your condition and determine if Chiropractic care can help or if you need additional imaging or a referral.
Seeing another healthcare provider first significantly increases your risk of being prescribed an opiate for a problem that conservative care could help.
No one ever starts out wanting to be addicted to an opiate or expecting to die. However that happens far too often and it starts with taking the first pill.
It just happens to some people, far too many in fact that just wanted to relieve their pain.
Very often, there are other ways and Chiropractic is a leading way to improve musculoskeletal injuries and pain without medications or surgeries.
Do you need to see an experienced Texarkana Chiropractor?
Contact Us!
Dr. Hagebusch is hear to help you like he’s helped thousands of other Texarkana residents with safe, effective Chiropractic Care.
Reference: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/910617
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