Reduced Inflammatory Blood Markers Of Chronic Low Back Pain
Sufferers with 2 Weeks of Chiropractic Treatment
A Very Interesting Study that found a short, 2 week course of chiropractic adjustments to the lower back reduced inflammatory blood markers interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in people suffering from chronic low back pain.
Chronic pain conditions are generally much more difficult to treat, but even within this short 2 week trial the people began to normalize blood markers of inflammation with chiropractic care.
This is despite the fact that chiropractors help restore normal function, not really the treatment of pain for which Chiropractors are so well known.
The lab markers, CRP and IL-6, indicate inflammation in the body.
Elevation of CRP is seen in virtually all inflammatory conditions.
Even if you have no symptoms, elevated CRP levels may signal an increased risk for practically all degenerative disorders, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other serious problems.
Generally the higher the level, the higher the risk of these serious health problems.
IL-6 is less frequently used and more of a marker of acute (recent) inflammation.
General Importance of These Inflammatory Markers
Is Chiropractic Anti-Inflammatory?
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Inflammatory response following a short-term course of chiropractic treatment in subjects with and without chronic low back pain
J Chiropr Med. 2010 Sep; 9(3): 107–114. Richard A. Roy,a,b Jean P. Boucher,c and Alain S. Comtoisd,⁎
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