Chiropractic Treatment for Low Back Pain
The lower back is one of the most common areas of pain and injury.
With the weather getting better many people are starting to do more ‘Spring cleaning’ and yard work. The sharp increase in activity for many people can lead to back pain.
Of course, so many people suffer daily or most days every week.
About 31 million Americans are suffering with lower back pain right now as you read this.
So many people end up not being able to perform tasks at work, at home, to be able to do their favorite hobby, sport, or enjoy time with their family.
Back Injuries
Although many people experience back pain without a big trauma, others have some type of injury from a car accident, lifting, a fall, or some other event that causes an injury.
The cause of back pain can range from a sprained/torn ligament to a joint injury, strained muscle, or a disc injury.
What To Do If You Have Back Pain
It’s best to get the right type of help as soon as possible.
Early treatment can prevent your back pain from becoming debilitating or chronic.
Chiropractic Care For Back Pain
Chiropractors are experts in identifying the cause of back pain and back injuries.
Importantly, chiropractors can identify dysfunctional joint movement, movement patterns, muscle changes, and related neurological findings.
This is absolutely critical and something that is not done in any traditional medical evaluation with your medical doctor.
People often see their MD instead of a chiropractor. Although medication can help pain. It can not correct dysfunctional movement or help soft tissue heal properly. That’s what we do as chiropractors.
Because the majority of people don’t know to see a chiropractor… it leads to so many people experiencing ongoing chronic back pain and for far too many, disability and inability to enjoy their lives.
The Very Important Role of Chiropractic
A good evaluation followed by the right diagnosis by a Doctor of Chiropractic is the first step to getting better.
Often people experiencing low back pain think the pain will go away on its own. The longer the pain goes on though, the greater the risk of disability and chronic low back pain.
Even very severe pain caused by an injury generally responds very well to chiropractic care.
Early treatment leads to the best outcomes for people so that they can recover and get ‘back’ to enjoying a pain free life.
Chiropractors have extensive training and experience in finding the cause of your low back pain.
This allows us to make an accurate diagnosis which determines your treatment in order to get you better.
The treatment plan depends on the exact problem. It may include recommendations for things to do at home, changes in certain activities while you heal, different therapies, the chiropractic adjustment, and rehabilitation.
These treatments will help you heal without surgery, injections, or medication.
The Best Treatment For Low Back Pain
The number one recommendation is to see a chiropractor as soon as possible.
It may make sense to also then see your MD if the pain is severe and you want to get some pain relievers for temporary relief.
Of course, many people want to avoid taking medications or shouldn’t because of other health problems. For example…
- People with heart problems should avoid many pain relievers.
- Others with stomach problems may not be able to take many pain relievers, even over the counter ones.
- Diabetics must be very careful with steroids because they will sharply spike blood sugar.
- And of course, most people should be very careful about taking any opiate given the massive problem with opiates that have been talked about extensively by the government and media.
If you have back pain, for best results contact us for an appointment.
We’ll evaluate you and tell you what’s best to help you get better as quickly as possible.
Call our office today and take the first step towards lasting relief from your low back pain.
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